Aurelia Plath Videos and Audio


Aurelia Plath interviewed by WGBH-Boston, 4 March 1976 (29:58) Uncovered in 2023 by Peter K. Steinberg, this lively 30-minute taped interview with Aurelia includes BBC recordings of Sylvia Plath reading three of her poems.

Videos - Educational Films

Dominated by Sylvia's image, life story, and voice recordings, the following educational films include rare video clips of 80-year-old Aurelia, taken in 1986, reading or reciting or commenting on her daughter's work.

Sylvia Plath and the Myth of the Monstrous Mother 2000 (28:01) Dr. Richard Larschan of UMass.-Amherst discusses Sylvia's "mother" and "mothering" poems including "Morning Song." Aurelia comments on "Medusa" ("that stinking poem") and recites from "Three Women."

Sylvia Plath and the Myth of the Omnipresent/Absent Father 2000 (28:02) Aurelia appears and speaks mostly in the first few minutes about Sylvia's abandonment issues, and Dr. Richard Larschan discusses Plath's "father" poems and The Bell Jar's graveyard visit as compared with its depiction in Sylvia's journal.

PBS Voices and Visions: Sylvia Plath, 1988 (1:13:00) Aurelia is among several interviewees on this typical PBS-series video that has long been on YouTube.

"Was Sylvia Plath Right About Her Mother?" 2021 (4:45) Short, photo-illustrated generalist introduction to Aurelia Plath and the Plaths' mother-daughter relationship.

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