Aurelia Plath Biography

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Things Aurelia Plath Did Not Say to Sylvia:

Buy your own damned bras.


You picked him!


I will marry again if I feel like it.


Say hello to your new father!


Sorry to hear that good nannies are hard to find.


I’ve been too busy to answer your letters.


Can you bail me out?


I need my own bedroom.


I’ll knock some sense into you.


Don’t come crying to me about it.


It’s my turn to buy new clothes.


After forty-five rejections I think it’s time you find something else to do.


Try applying yourself to that chemistry class.


Bills came due and yours was the only account with money in it.


Fix me a double martini.


Too bad you feel depressed, but that’s life.


I’m so tired of your drama.


It’s your birthday?


I threw out all the clutter you left here.